Thursday, June 4, 2009

Globalization as phenomena could be seen in every aspect of our live. That puts forward many challenges especially at the educational level.
This paper tries to synthesis on the readiness of Saudi educational system to face such challenges by addressing the following questions:
1- What the meaning of globalization especially at the educational level?
2- How does the Arabic literature view the phenomena of globalization?
3- To what extent is the Saudi Arabian educational system able to meet the challenges proposed by this phenomenon?

To answer such questions, this paper analysis some of the issues relating to the following topics:
- Saudi Educational objectives
- Curriculum
- Continues Education
- The effect of globalization on the concept of nationalism.
- The changing role of the educational system in regard to the labor market.
- Teacher training in the face of globalization.

Discussion of these topics have reviled the necessity to revise the educational objective at all level which would reflect the new reality of Saudi society especially in regard to female educational objectives.
Curriculums need to be rewritten not only from an Ideological concern but an educational concerns as well.
Nationalism has to modified with the reality of the International human being, thus , graduates have to be occupied with the necessary skills and motivations to compete in an international market and institutions should modify their requirement to mach the international standards.
BY: Khlowed Aljabl